GCAT: Detecting and Summarizing GUI Changes in Evolving Mobile Apps
Team Members: Kevin Moran, Cody Watson, John Hoskins, George Purnell, & Denys Poshyvanyk
College of William & Mary --- SEMERU
This project was created by the Software Engineering Maintenance and Evolution Research Unit (SEMERU) at the College of William & Mary, under the supervision of Dr. Denys Poshyvanyk. The major goal of the Gcat project is to help improve and automate the process summarizing the changes to a mobile application's graphical users interface as it evolves over time in order to improve program comprehension tasks.
Video Demonstration
Detecting and Summarzing GUI Changes in Evolving Mobile Apps
‣ Kevin Moran, Cody Watson, John Hoskins, George Purnell, and Denys Poshyvanyk
‣ Proceedings of the The 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'18), Montpellier, France, September 3rd-7th 2018, to appear, 12 pages (21% Acceptance Rate)
‣ [pdf]
Gcat is open source on GitLab!
We will be open sourcing the Gcat tool on GitLab. The project will be released in October 2018, but if you would like early access please email kpmoran@cs.wm.edu.